Mechanical parking is a modernized version of traditional parking systems with various machines and systems. The desired vehicle to be parked in mechanical parking lots is loaded on a certain mechanism and then a new vehicle is parked. In this way, space-saving systems are called mechanical parking systems. Powerlift mechanic parking lifts provide parking for two cars on a single car park. The technical name of this type of car park, also known as vertical parking, is PARK PURPOSE CAR STORAGE. The system is hydromechanical. In other words, mechanical systems are equipped with hydraulic systems. Also known as semi-automatic parking. The reason for the semi-automatic designation is that the stacked vehicle is dependent on the movement of the lower vehicle. Because the vehicles do not park independently of each other, they pass semi-automatically. In independent parking lots, mechanical wells are generally needed.


Powerlift mechanical parking lifts from design to production, from production to assembly, from assembly to service, from supply to spare parts at every stage of the ŞAHLAN HİDROLİK MAKİNA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. company to work under difficult conditions for many years. Installation of mechanical parking lifts that can be attached side by side with our modular belongs to us all over Turkey. If desired, it can be sent ready for installation.


There are basically two kinds of mechanic parking lifts. For more information, please visit the product page.

Hydraulic Platforms from Turkey - Powerlift - Scissor Lift - Hydraulic Lift - Stacking Machine - Freight Lift - Dock Leveller - Mechanical Autopark